SSD VPS Server

SSD VPS hosting or Solid State Drive virtual private server hosting is where the service provider uses an SSD Drive in place of a traditional hard drive on its physical server.

SSD VPS Hosting Plans

Name OS CoreRAM Harddisk Bandwidth IP DC Location Monthly Price
Switzerland VPS Custom11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1Zurich, Switzerland$25.00
Switzerland VPS X11 GB30 GB SSD1 TB1 Zurich, Switzerland$25.00
Switzerland VPS Y22 GB60 GB SSD2 TB1 Zurich, Switzerland$47.00
Switzerland VPS Z44 GB120 GB SSD4 TB1 Zurich, Switzerland$91.00

Key Features of SSD VPS Hosting

SSD VPS hosting or Solid State Drive virtual private server hosting is where the service provider uses an SSD drive in place of a traditional hard drive on its physical server. VPS server hosting is not a new phenomenon in the market. Many businesses are already using this form of server hosting to get traffic on their sites and improve their sites’ performance. But do you have any idea about what virtual private server hosting is all about? If not, then before moving on with getting a clear understanding of SSD VPS Hosting, you need to know about VPS hosting.

Virtual private server hosting is one of medium- and small-sized online businesses’ most preferred hosting solutions. This is mainly because this kind of server hosting bridges dedicated and shared server hosting. It offers users the best of both shared and dedicated server hosting. Those new to this field should know that VPS server hosting is where one physical server is categorize into several virtual units.
These virtual units within the physical server have their own server resources and hardware exclusively allotted to the sites hosted on the teams. Now that we clearly understand virtual private server hosting, we will move on to understanding the finer nuances of SSD VPS Hosting.

SSD VPS Hosting: Everything You Need to Know

There are two varieties of storage devices, namely SSD and HDD. HDD is Hard Disk Drive, while SSD is Solid State Drive. Here we will try to get into the details of understanding SSD VPS hosting. To be more specific, SSD virtual private server hosting is where the hosting provider uses a solid-state drive on its physical server. One of the greatest advantages of SSD VPS server hosting over HDD hosting is that it takes in very little power while delivering great speed and faster performance.

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